Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BOMRA) has this week tried to raise its teeth against a medical doctor Dr Thusang Gure who has since become a social media sex enthusiast, influencer cum blogger. Dr Gure is a healthcare practitioner, specialising as a General Practitioner and runs his private clinic in Phakalane, Gaborone.
In recent year the doctor has been giving sexual advices and relationship advices. Dr Gure rose to social media stardom for advising his followers on how to get the utmost pleasure out of sex and why people are not getting sexual satisfaction.
Recently, he introduce a sex lubricant calling it maphashapasha meaning moist or wet. A lot of his followers claimed to have enjoyed using it and even gave testimonies. The product was on the shops and sold online and many seemed to have been using it.
However, things changed when Dr Gure few days ago claimed to be advising ladies who had been on labour to take something to “tighten their vaginas.” He made a product which was claimed to be able to fix the vagina after birth and tightens it. This got a huge backlash with some saying Dr Gure is exploiting women and exploiting some by misleading them that they lose “grip” after birth. Some women were still trying to get his products at that time. BOMRA was called to intervene and did nothing then.
After pressure from social media, Dr Gure apologized and recalled his vaginal tightening products. He even released a statement on social media. Despite being silent all along, BOMRA this week attempted to issue an official statement on “personal lubricants and vaginal care products.”
“The Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority has noted with concern the rise in the sale, promotion and advertisement of products particularly personal lubricants and vaginal care products in both the formal and informal sector,” said BOMRA.
The authority was however careful not to be seen to be responding to the public outcry against Dr Gure. The authority said people like Dr Gure should submit their products for approval before advertising them or selling them in any platform. BOMRA’s mandate is to regulate medicines, medical devices and cosmetics, to promote human and animal health.