Former Botswana Peoples’ Party and BOCONGO director who is now Director of Research and
Analysis at the Office of the President, Botho Seboko, has tried to sue high court judge and
cabinet minister, Unity Dow, for associating or alleging that he is the trolling Facebook pseudo
France Museveni.
Dow has dared Seboko to prove that he is not France Museveni and said the former BOCONGO
director is hired by the DIS and the pseudo account is sponsored and manned by the state
security agency. D ow alleges that Seboko works at DIS head office in Main mall and is the
director of research for the spy agency not Office of the President. She said Seboko should call
for France Museveni troll to stop because even if he works at OP, he still has authority to retrain
the pseudo.
Dow told the court that she can reveal more when asked to and even spill the beans on what she
knows as a former cabinet minister with regard to what she knows on France Museveni. Dow
says she is going to countersue Seboko and even put the state or attorney general as France
Museveni is a DIS worker hence state associated. The former minister says her businesses,
family and those associated to her suffered because of France Museveni.
Dow also implicated State Presidency minister Kabo Morwaeng for being fully behind and
aware of France Museveni and even feeding him with information. She said because Morwaeng
once told her something and later on Museveni posted it on their Facebook account. The minister
in a letter where Dow was calling him off told this publication that; “I do not respond to such
President Mokgweetsi Masisi told the media that BDP does not have resources to unmask
Museveni. Minister of Security Mmusi Kgafela also said this week that the state does not have
capacity to unmask Museveni. Dow alleges that Masisi knows about Museveni that is why he
would tag him when posting trolls. She said Museveni attack those who are against Masisi and
DIS director Peter Magosi and that can be seen on his trolls.
Museveni jumped into social media notoriety around 2018 and was seen as a state apparatus. The
pseudo was then seen to be pro-BDP just towards the 2019 general election and believed to be
targeting UDC and its sponsors. Afterwards, with the standoff between Masisi and his
predecessor, Ian Khama, Museveni has been seen to be pro-Masisi administration.
sea of udicians believe that it’s Wynter Mmolotsi’s account or President Masisi. Some believe its
an ANC member who was hired by the BDP to bring down the UDC.